
5 Excellent Replacements for Asphalt Shingle Roofs

May 28, 2022

Asphalt shingle roofs have a 20-25-year lifespan with top-notch rain, wind, and hailstorm resistance with proper installation. Homeowners looking to replace their old roof shingles can look to these five excellent replacements for exceptional durability, lifespan, and value for money. 

Clay Tiles

Clay tile roofs have an earthy tone, giving your home a Mediterranean feel. Manufacturers use baked, molded clay with reinforcements. Their earthy shades depend on the time they spend inside the industrial oven. Concrete and clay tiles have exceptional resistance against wind pressure, introduce excellent insulation, and guarantee long lifespans ranging from 50-70 with nearly zero integral damage.

Slate Tiles

Slate roofing is made from sedimentary rocks of ash and clay near volcanoes. Slate's mineral composition varies. For example, it might have more hermatite, giving it a purple shade while chlorite introduces a green color. Slate has exceptional durability against all kinds of weather, with its weight bearing down against wind damage during hurricanes. Slate roofing can resist majority of golf-sized hailstones with nearly zero damage 

Metal Roofs

Corrugated and standing seam metal roofing made from galvanized or galvalume steel and coated with acrylic elastomeric coating can last for 50-70 years or beyond with careful maintenance. The UV-reflective acrylic elastomeric coating ensures the metal roof's lower conductivity level. Alternative materials to galvanized and galvalume steel are tin, zinc, and copper, each one having their pros and cons.

Composite Tiles

Composite roof shingles combine fiberglass, PVC, and wood to create a roof tile that has exceptional durability, beautiful aesthetic, and long-lasting lifespan. Additionally, the material's density gives it top resistance against hail, rain, and snowstorms. However, composite tiles have yet to see national and international standard regulations, so choose a manufacturer with a proven material manufacturing track record.

Traditional Wood Shakes

Traditional wood shakes use tapered pieces of thin wood strips to cover roofs. These grainy materials are durable and can withstand rains with adequate hailstorm resistance. In most cases, they have a 20-25-year lifespan. Composite wood shakes offer the same benefits as wood tiles but retain the traditional wood shake appearance, giving homes better hailstorm resistance and material longevity.

The Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingle Roofs

If you're torn between going for another asphalt shingle roof or otherwise, here are some pros and cons to consider before deciding.



Asphalt shingle roofs are affordable than most roofing materials. Plus, their 20-25-year lifespan is a huge value-adding benefit.

Style Variety

You can find a huge variety of asphalt shingle colors and features that will suit your property. 

Easy to Install and Replace

Professional roofers across the country have asphalt shingle roof installation and replacement experience. They can also offer roof shingle maintenance services.


Cracking and Blistering 

Asphalt shingles can suffer from blistering and cracks as they grow older and go through numerous seasons.

No Unique Look

Every home is using asphalt shingles today. They make your property look passive in the neighborhood.

Get the best roofing services from Turbo Roofing today. Contact us to learn more about everything we can do for you.