
What Causes Your Asphalt Shingles To Ripple and Wave?

June 24, 2022

High-quality roofing is essential to protect your property against hailstorms and tornadoes. Asphalt shingles are popular because of their price and durability. In addition, they're available in plenty of color and shades. With brand-new asphalt shingle roofs, you can increase your property's value enormously.

New and aged asphalt shingles can suffer from rippling and waving. Old asphalt shingles have frequent instances of ripples and waves because of their compromised integrity. On the other hand, new roofs might have faulty installations and other issues that an uncertified roofer might have committed. Here are four common reasons why your asphalt shingle roof is wavy and possibly having structural issues.

Defective Roofing Materials

Roof replacements are essential for roofs within their 20-30 year threshold. Most asphalt shingle manufacturers recommend replacing your roofs at this age. However, if your newly-replaced roof is exhibiting wavy and rippled shapes, consult with another roofer about possible defects in the roof material. 

Make sure you've used a manufacturer-certified roofer when using high-quality roofing materials. These manufacturers won't honor your warranty claims if an uncertified roofer installed them and led to the installation defect, such as wavy roofs.

Insufficient Ventilation

Attic ventilation and insulation simultaneously improves the health of your attic and roofing material. Poor attic ventilation traps heat and cold in the space during summer and winter. Excessive heat from the attic will cause your asphalt shingles to expand and absorb moisture from the air. In extreme summer heat, your moisture-filled asphalt shingles will expand and blister. During winter, your roof materials can form ice dams because they aren't properly ventilated.

Using proper ventilation will eliminate humidity and completely remove the risk of mold and wood rot. You can consult your professional roofer for possible soffit and fascia ventilation improvements or adding an exhaust fan to assist with attic ventilation.

Wind Damage

If you live in areas with strong winds and frequent hurricanes or tornadoes, your roof is at high risk of suffering from waves or rippling. Strong winds can cause your asphalt shingle edges to curl up or split if it's strong enough. You can call your local roofer to help you smooth the shingles and reapply any adhesive due to the asphalt shingle contractions that occur as the seasons change.

Poor Roofing Structure Condition

Aged roofing materials are at high risk of structural damage. Water leaks can infiltrate the sheathing and underlayment, causing the wood sheathing, rafters, and trusses to absorb moisture and suffer from wood rot once it dries up.

When this happens, you'll need to consult both your roofing manufacturers and home remodeling contractors to restore the rafters and replace your entire roof with strong sheathing, trusses and rafters. Even the strongest OSB sheathing won't hold high-quality roofing nails because they've lost their integrity due to excessive moisture, so replace them as soon as possible.

You can always count on Turbo Roofing to provide the best roof replacement, repair, and maintenance services for your property. With decades of experience in the industry, we guarantee only the best results for all your project needs. Call us today to learn more about everything we can accomplish with you.